oVirt Weekly Meeting
Mike Burns
2014-03-26 14:16:44 UTC
The following meeting has been modified:

Subject: oVirt Weekly Meeting
Organizer: "Mike Burns" <mburns at redhat.com>

Location: #ovirt of oftc.net
Time: 10:00:00 AM - 11:00:00 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern [MODIFIED]
Recurrence : Every 1 week(s) on End by Mar 25, 2014 Effective Apr 25, 2012

Required: danken at redhat.com; oschreib at redhat.com; ykaul at redhat.com; sgordon at redhat.com; dfediuck at redhat.com; Jon.Benedict at netapp.com; pmyers at redhat.com; simon at redhat.com; imad.sousou at intel.com; aliguori at us.ibm.com; lhawthor at redhat.com ...
Optional: arch at ovirt.org; board at ovirt.org; menescu at cisco.com


Cancelling this and Doron will setup a new reminder.
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