Supposed to add per CPU usage related infomation into engine core and vdsm
Liao, Chuan (Jason Liao, HPservers-Core-OE-PSC)
2014-03-10 09:17:13 UTC
Hi All,

In order to support NUMA and guest NUMA feature in ovirt.
We need per NUMA node CPU usage or per CPU usage related information on engine core.

This information will be used for VM who have NUMA aware information and find the best Host to run it on with best performance.

Approach 1:

1. Sample data in vdsm for each CPU stats. (sys, usr, iowait, idle)

2. Calculate the each CPU usage information. (%sys, %usr, %iowait, %idle)

3. Transport the usage data to engine core.

4. Engine core merge per NUMA node CPU usage. (%sys, %usr, %iowait, %idle)

Approach 2:

1. Sample data in vdsm for each CPU stats. (sys, usr, iowait, idle)

2. Calculate the each CPU usage information. (%sys, %usr, %iowait, %idle)

3. VDSM merge per NUMA node CPU usage. (%sys, %usr, %iowait, %idle)

4. Transport the usage data to engine core.

Which one do you prefer, and why, or other solution.

Best Regards,
Jason Liao

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Gilad Chaplik
2014-03-10 11:36:20 UTC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuan Liao (Jason Liao, HPservers-Core-OE-PSC)" <chuan.liao at hp.com>
To: "arch" <arch at ovirt.org>, "vdsm-devel" <vdsm-devel at lists.fedorahosted.org>, engine-devel at ovirt.org
Cc: "Gilad Chaplik" <gchaplik at redhat.com>, dfediuck at redhat.com, msivak at redhat.com
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 11:17:13 AM
Subject: Supposed to add per CPU usage related infomation into engine core and vdsm
Hi All,
In order to support NUMA and guest NUMA feature in ovirt.
We need per NUMA node CPU usage or per CPU usage related information on engine core.
This information will be used for VM who have NUMA aware information and find
the best Host to run it on with best performance.
1. Sample data in vdsm for each CPU stats. (sys, usr, iowait, idle)
2. Calculate the each CPU usage information. (%sys, %usr, %iowait, %idle)
3. Transport the usage data to engine core.
4. Engine core merge per NUMA node CPU usage. (%sys, %usr, %iowait, %idle)
+1, since this data can be used for hardware other than NUMA
1. Sample data in vdsm for each CPU stats. (sys, usr, iowait, idle)
2. Calculate the each CPU usage information. (%sys, %usr, %iowait, %idle)
3. VDSM merge per NUMA node CPU usage. (%sys, %usr, %iowait, %idle)
4. Transport the usage data to engine core.
Which one do you prefer, and why, or other solution.
Best Regards,
Jason Liao
Eli Mesika
2014-03-10 11:49:55 UTC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gilad Chaplik" <gchaplik at redhat.com>
To: "Chuan Liao (Jason Liao, HPservers-Core-OE-PSC)" <chuan.liao at hp.com>
Cc: engine-devel at ovirt.org, "arch" <arch at ovirt.org>, "vdsm-devel" <vdsm-devel at lists.fedorahosted.org>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 1:36:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Supposed to add per CPU usage related infomation into engine core and vdsm
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuan Liao (Jason Liao, HPservers-Core-OE-PSC)" <chuan.liao at hp.com>
To: "arch" <arch at ovirt.org>, "vdsm-devel"
<vdsm-devel at lists.fedorahosted.org>, engine-devel at ovirt.org
Cc: "Gilad Chaplik" <gchaplik at redhat.com>, dfediuck at redhat.com,
msivak at redhat.com
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 11:17:13 AM
Subject: Supposed to add per CPU usage related infomation into engine core and vdsm
Hi All,
In order to support NUMA and guest NUMA feature in ovirt.
We need per NUMA node CPU usage or per CPU usage related information on engine core.
This information will be used for VM who have NUMA aware information and find
the best Host to run it on with best performance.
1. Sample data in vdsm for each CPU stats. (sys, usr, iowait, idle)
2. Calculate the each CPU usage information. (%sys, %usr, %iowait, %idle)
3. Transport the usage data to engine core.
4. Engine core merge per NUMA node CPU usage. (%sys, %usr, %iowait, %idle)
+1, since this data can be used for hardware other than NUMA
+1 , can be relevant to engine reports as well ....
1. Sample data in vdsm for each CPU stats. (sys, usr, iowait, idle)
2. Calculate the each CPU usage information. (%sys, %usr, %iowait, %idle)
3. VDSM merge per NUMA node CPU usage. (%sys, %usr, %iowait, %idle)
4. Transport the usage data to engine core.
Which one do you prefer, and why, or other solution.
Best Regards,
Jason Liao
Engine-devel mailing list
Engine-devel at ovirt.org